I've been in your shoes. 

I'm a wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend. I let stress do a number on my body. I looked for answers and felt unheard. Like nobody was listening to my cry of pain and I just wanted a clear answer. I discovered functional medicine and it changed my life.

I was shocked and devastated when I received an autoimmune diagnosis, but it was an answer. In my mind I had two choices: (1) control my symptoms with medication and let my body continue to attack itself, or (2) discover the root cause and work toward a state of remission. I chose number two, but I refuse to stop there.

I struggle with understanding why an autoimmune disease chose me, but I believe that the experiences that I have gone through are deeply meaningful and purposeful. And the purpose is to help people who are going through the same experiences as me. Will you let functional nutrition change your life?  


My Functional Nutrition Based Beliefs

Food is medicine, connection, information, and energy.

Chronic disease is driven by food and lifestyle and influenced by environment and genetics.

Genes set the stage for health or disease, but environment and lifestyle can influence their expression.

Mindfulness improves emotional and physical health, reduces stress and improves sleep.

Our fundamental physiological systems are affected by our mental-emotional-spiritual core.


                                           Jenna is a Cleveland-based functional registered dietitian nutritionist. She completed functional nutrition training at The Institute of Functional Medicine after graduating from Case Western Reserve University with a Masters in Nutrition.



Take a break from the hustle and bustle to become the best version of you.

When was the last time you felt like the best version of you?